Talk Blood Ep 6 Tonight right after True Blood : Hard -Hearted Hannah

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Live TONIGHT: Come and 'Talk Blood' after True Blood airs tonight. Let's talk ep.6 "Hard Hearted Hannah "
It's Sunday again! We've got a whole night of fun planned starting with the the premiere of True Blood Season 2, Episode 6 "Hard Hearted Hannah"

We are joined tonight by our friends, Brian and Andy from Camp Blood and EiEi will give us the Buzz Report from the HBO True Blood Forum.

Tincar needs you help to help EJ Scott here:

Lindsay would like you to enter the Eric n' Sooks Summer of 69 fanfic contest here:

And to make sure you keep the party going, be sure to join @TrueBloodDallas of Loving True Blood in Dallas and @SookieBonTemps because we're going to Talk Blood on True Blood live on Blog Talk Radio. Here's how tonight is going to flow:

  • 8:00pm CDT / 9:00pm EDT: Watch True Blood with @SookieBonTemps who'll be tweeting live from Merlotte's
  • 9:oopm CDT / 10:00pm EDT: Tweet @SookieBonTemps and tell her what you thought of the show.
  • 9:15pm CDT / 10:15pm EDT: Talk Blood after True Blood chatroom on Blog Talk Radio opens. Join us here.
  • 9:30pm CDT / 10:30pm EDT: Talk Blood goes live! Join in the fun here or call in at 646.929.0825 and tell us what you thought of tonight's episode!
    We hope you'll call in. And if you can't, tweet @SookieBonTemps who'll be reading and reacting to tweets LIVE!
    Email 'Dallas' or @SookieBonTemps about the show

  • Some spoiler photos from the next couple of episodes


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